When you sign up to Stake AUS, a digital Airwallex account is opened with Airwallex.
Click here to learn more about the Airwallex Wallet Terms & Conditions. Airwallex services are accessible through the Stake platform, including Services to add funds and top up funds and receive proceeds and payments from Stake, and Payout Services to pay out funds from the account to a linked bank account.
Funds that you add to your Airwallex Account are paid initially into an account held by Airwallex with an Australian bank (also known as an authorised deposit-taking institution or ‘ADI’) and are protected by a bank guarantee in favour of you. Please note that Airwallex is not itself an ADI and it is not covered under the Australian Government’s Financial Claims Scheme. We facilitate the transfer of funds held in the Airwallex account at least once a day to client monies account with a Big Four Australian bank, held on trust for you.